Locomotion 1st Rail Trail 10k - 22/05/2022

Overall Results

1132 Sam Lister00:38:39M
2160 James Westwood00:41:27M
3124 Lee Hutchinson00:41:36M
4115 Chris Graham00:44:10M
5133 Gareth Maloney00:44:14M
6152 Alan Smitheman00:44:52M
7116 Matt Grange00:45:32M
8159 Jacob Turner00:46:34M
9157 Paul Tomaney00:46:45M
10153 Malcolm Stephenson00:47:22M
11163 Huw Williams00:47:26M
12119 Max Hinley00:48:14M
13141 Andrew Parker00:49:22M
14138 Dougie Muir00:49:27M
15154 Neil Swanson00:49:27M
16146 Mike Powell00:49:31M
17104 Daniel Bradshaw00:49:43M
18156 David Todd00:49:46M
19162 Pauline Whittaker00:50:20F
20130 Kelly Lamb00:50:34F
21129 Michael Kilding00:51:08M
22170Andrew Bennet00:51:17M
23151 Laura Small00:51:27F
24101 John Bentley00:51:44M
25158 David Turner00:52:06M
26108 Michael Connolly00:52:11M
27139 Paul Musson00:53:18M
28128 Michael Kennedy00:53:28M
29123 Ben Hunt00:55:47M
30114 Robert Galley00:56:14M
31143 Martin Peagam00:56:26M
32110 Elizabeth Dyson00:56:30F
33113 Carole Frost00:56:40F
34111 Neil Fairless00:56:49M
35131Paul Lewins00:56:55MJ
36169Sam Lewing00:56:55M
37118 Julie Hewson00:57:09F
38147 Gemma Reay00:58:10F
39105 Jon Brough00:58:13M
40122 Rebecca Horlock00:58:36F
41134 Charlotte Marshall00:59:48F
42144 Michelle Pickering00:59:48F
43103 Stuart Bowen00:59:49M
44168Craig Scanion01:01:58M
45109 Fran Corvesor01:02:10F
46167John Corvesor01:02:10M
47145 Emily Powell01:02:13F
48165Amanda Cadas01:03:27F
49120 Keran Hodgson01:04:00M
50102 George Bolton01:07:24M
51126 Andy Jenkins01:07:24M
52121 Chris Homan01:07:32M
53112 Keith Ford01:07:44M
54106 Janice Cann01:08:04F
55107 Sarah Carling Still01:09:09F
56117 Kate Harandon01:09:09F
57125 Katherine Jefferson01:10:00F
58127 Paula Johnson01:12:00F
59137 Wendi Moore01:12:01F
60148 Christine Roberts01:13:09F
61164Al-zadsali Yousuf01:13:55M
62166Kay Bell01:20:34M
63140 Helen Olney01:31:03F

Overall Male

Gender PosBibNameTimeCatClub
1132 Sam Lister00:38:39M
2160 James Westwood00:41:27M
3124 Lee Hutchinson00:41:36M

Overall Female

Gender PosBibNameTimeCatClub
1162 Pauline Whittaker00:50:20F
2130 Kelly Lamb00:50:34F
3151 Laura Small00:51:27F

Category F

Overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners are excluded from this category tables.

F Cat PosBibNameTimeCatClub
1110 Elizabeth Dyson00:56:30F
2113 Carole Frost00:56:40F
3118 Julie Hewson00:57:09F
4147 Gemma Reay00:58:10F
5122 Rebecca Horlock00:58:36F
6134 Charlotte Marshall00:59:48F
7144 Michelle Pickering00:59:48F
8109 Fran Corvesor01:02:10F
9145 Emily Powell01:02:13F
10165Amanda Cadas01:03:27F
11106 Janice Cann01:08:04F
12107 Sarah Carling Still01:09:09F
13117 Kate Harandon01:09:09F
14125 Katherine Jefferson01:10:00F
15127 Paula Johnson01:12:00F
16137 Wendi Moore01:12:01F
17148 Christine Roberts01:13:09F
18140 Helen Olney01:31:03F

Category M

Overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners are excluded from this category tables.

M Cat PosBibNameTimeCatClub
1115 Chris Graham00:44:10M
2133 Gareth Maloney00:44:14M
3152 Alan Smitheman00:44:52M
4116 Matt Grange00:45:32M
5159 Jacob Turner00:46:34M
6157 Paul Tomaney00:46:45M
7153 Malcolm Stephenson00:47:22M
8163 Huw Williams00:47:26M
9119 Max Hinley00:48:14M
10141 Andrew Parker00:49:22M
11138 Dougie Muir00:49:27M
12154 Neil Swanson00:49:27M
13146 Mike Powell00:49:31M
14104 Daniel Bradshaw00:49:43M
15156 David Todd00:49:46M
16129 Michael Kilding00:51:08M
17170Andrew Bennet00:51:17M
18101 John Bentley00:51:44M
19158 David Turner00:52:06M
20108 Michael Connolly00:52:11M
21139 Paul Musson00:53:18M
22128 Michael Kennedy00:53:28M
23123 Ben Hunt00:55:47M
24114 Robert Galley00:56:14M
25143 Martin Peagam00:56:26M
26111 Neil Fairless00:56:49M
27169Sam Lewing00:56:55M
28105 Jon Brough00:58:13M
29103 Stuart Bowen00:59:49M
30168Craig Scanion01:01:58M
31167John Corvesor01:02:10M
32120 Keran Hodgson01:04:00M
33102 George Bolton01:07:24M
34126 Andy Jenkins01:07:24M
35121 Chris Homan01:07:32M
36112 Keith Ford01:07:44M
37164Al-zadsali Yousuf01:13:55M
38166Kay Bell01:20:34M

Category MJ

Overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners are excluded from this category tables.

MJ Cat PosBibNameTimeCatClub
1131Paul Lewins00:56:55MJ